Press and News

12/08/2022: Artificial intelligence and ethics

Today, artificial intelligence (AI) quietly and discreetly assists us in every step of our daily lives. Smart devices direct us to our destination, while online services tailor their content to be within our interests. For example, TV platforms choose the next movie to watch for us, while intelligent “assistants” allow us to improve the experience of interacting with our own homes.

Soon, AI applications will allow us to improve our lives, health, and future living.

However, it is essential to emphasize that AI is wholly based on the data from which it was trained. Therefore, if the training data is against the ” ethics ” concept, its operation mode will also be “unethical.”

Read more at STARTUPPER MAG.

31/07/2022: Gamification: benefits, considerations, and future avenues

Before criticizing someone for the time she/he sacrificed in Fortnite, consider the energy they spent to be the player everyone wants on their team today. Getting good at a game requires concentration and investment of time. But, on the other hand, games have the potential to reward us directly in a way that, on the one hand, helps us not to see our playing time as waste and, on the other hand, “encourages” us to improve continuously. What are these features, and how could they transform how we are educated or promote products?

Find the complete article in the August issue of Insider magazine.

26/06/2022: Emotions, computers, and organizations

Economies worldwide are rapidly becoming ‘behavioral economies’ – a world in which human behavior is a commodity that can be influenced, quantified, standardized, and packaged at scale. This change is driven by the maturation of disciplines such as machine emotional intelligence and behavioral economics, allowing companies and governments to analyze and shape our behavior like never before. How does this synergy between disciplines work? How can ethical dilemmas be addressed? How can organizations harness it to create value and grow?

Find the complete article in the July issue of Forbes magazine.

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29/05/2022: Helping computers perceive human emotions

The commercial exploitation of the achievements of artificial intelligence has led to the universal transformation of the market. Car manufacturers compete not only on the horsepower and fuel consumption of their vehicles but also on the level of intelligence of their services. Online shops recognize our needs before we express them. Subscription-based entertainment services recommend films and music based on our preferences, while search engines tailor their results according to what they know about us. All these systems were developed based on our choices. Is there a need to create platforms that can also recognize our emotions? Is this feasible? Is it legitimate?

Find the complete article in the June issue of Insider magazine.

08/05/2022: How many piano tuners are there in the entire world? 

According to Glassdoor and Business Insider, Google is considered one of the best employers among tech companies and IT graduates’ top choices. The criteria that shape its popularity include the total compensation it offers, working hours, quality of the workplace, advancement opportunities, and a healthy environment among co-workers and management. Today, Google has offices in 69 locations in the United States of America and Canada, 40 offices in various European cities, 28 offices in Asian cities, and 7 in Africa and the Middle East region. Invariably, most young people working in the IT sector dream of being employed by this company. But the question is this: What criteria does Google use to select its partners? Does a good degree or a degree from a good university open doors to companies, or does it take something more?

Find the complete article in the May issue of Insider magazine.

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30/04/2022: Metaverse – a deep dive into the future

On October 28, 2021, Facebook announced its new name, Meta. The name change aligns with the company’s intention to transform its services, forming a new metaverse. The announcement marks the start of a new era for the IT giant, estimated to cost more than $50 million. The media worldwide host the name change on their front pages and introduce the new technology that aspires to transform the internet. But what is metaverse, and how does Facebook envision the future of the internet?

Mindset Talks is an event gathering where live talks and performances are shared. Imagine 2 hours filled with brilliant speakers and mind-blowing talks. The event’s content is filled with unique talks prepared independently, but they all have the common goal of personal and business development. Mindset Talks is organized by the Growth Hacking Cyprus team and lacks any religious or political agenda.

03/04/2022: A great theory and (at least) three beautiful minds

The “Times” magazine refers to mathematician John von Neumann as “perhaps the smartest man ever born.” Von Neumann significantly contributed to many fields, including mathematics, physics, economics, computing, and statistics. For example, he pioneered the application of operator theory to quantum mechanics in developing functional analysis, concepts of cellular automata, the universal constructor, and the digital computer. He is also a key figure in developing the “game theory” for which he became best known. This theory studies rational decision-making in a competitive environment and finds direct application in economics, world diplomacy, and war strategies. But what is game theory, and how does it transform how strategies are designed?

Find the complete article in the April issue of Forbes magazine.

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22/03/2022: Approaching the limits of computer power

Since the 1960s, computing power has grown exponentially. Today, computer engineering and computer science have demonstrated computing power capable of competing with (and in several cases dominating) human intelligence. But what is the picture of the next day? Is it possible for computing power to grow at the same rate, or are we approaching the limit we can hardly overcome? Is the materials technology mature enough to offer better computers, or must we invest in different technologies?

Find the complete article in the March issue of Insider magazine.

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20/02/2022: Recommender systems and attention economy

The age we are going through is characterized as the age of information. At any given time, vast amounts of data are generated and circulated online. Indicatively, it is worth mentioning that 60 hours of new material is added to the YouTube platform every minute that passes. At the same time, vast amounts of information are circulated on social media, websites, news portals, and online stores. Online platforms compete to gain a limited duration of consumer attention. This competition produces a new ecosystem known as the “attention economy”. The resources of this economy are the users, and the online services compete to gain attention and time. The more time we spend on their products, the more power they gain. Many times, for these companies, the users are the product itself. For example, the more users and the more time they spend on Facebook, the more enticing the platform becomes for advertisers. As a result, companies are investing millions in producing a digital dopamine system, which leads to users’ addiction to their services. One of these mechanisms for generating digital dependency is the Recommender System.

Find the complete article in the February issue of Insider magazine.

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25/12/2021: Metaverse: Is it the evolution of the internet?

On October 28, 2021, the parent company of the popular online platforms Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp announced its renaming to Meta. The name change aligns with the company’s intention to transform its services, forming its metaverse. The announcement marks the start of a new era for the IT giant, estimated to cost more than $50 million. The media worldwide host the name change on their front pages and introduce the new technology that aspires to transform the internet. But what is metaverse, and how does Facebook envision the future of the internet?

Find the complete article in the December issue of Insider magazine.

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