Throughout my teaching career, I’ve had the privilege of instructing a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses, providing me with the opportunity to interact with students from diverse scientific backgrounds and ethnicities. This experience has enriched my teaching methods, as I’ve developed strategies to effectively communicate complex scientific concepts to students from varying levels of prior knowledge. In addition to teaching courses, I have also had the opportunity to design and develop new BSc and MSc programs, leveraging my expertise to create comprehensive and effective curricula that meet the needs of students and industry demands. Through my work, I’m dedicated to equipping students with the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed academically and professionally.
Neapolis University Pafos – Cyprus
(Department of Computer Science)
Undergraduate Level
- Artificial Intelligence: (2017-2018), (2018-2019), (2020-2021), (2021-2022), (2022-2023), (2023-2024)
- Digital Image Processing: (2019-2019), (2019-2020), (2020-2021), (2021-2022), (2022-2023), (2023-2024)
- Data Mining Techniques: (2019-2020)
- Algorithms and Complexity: (2016-2017), (2017-2018), (2018-2019), (2019-2020), (2020-2021), (2023-2024)
- Computer Architecture I: (2017-2018)
- Object-Oriented Programming: (2018-2019)
- Introduction to Computer Science and Networks: (2017-2018), (2018-2019), (2019-2020), (2020-2021), (2021-2022), (2022-2023)
- Operating Systems: (2017-2018)
- Computer Architecture II: (2017-2018)
- Compilers: (2018-2019), (2019-2020), (2020-2021), (2021-2022)
Post-Graduate Level
- Project Management for IT projects: (2019-2020), (2020-2021), (2021-2022), (2022-2023), (2023-2024)
Alpen-Adria Klagenfurt University – Austria
(Faculty of Technical Sciences)
Post-Graduate Level
- Content-Based Image Retrieval: Basics, Concepts, and Tools: (2016-2017)
Cyprus University of Technology – Cyprus
(Department of Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, and Informatics)
Undergraduate Level
- Programming Languages and Compilers: (2017-2018), (2016-2017), (2015-2016), (2014-2015)
- Computer Architecture, and Microprocessors: (2016-2017), (2015-2016), (2014-2015) (TA)
- Databases: (2013-2014)
Post-Graduate Level
- Project Management for IT projects: (2016-2017), (2015-2016), (2021-2022)
(Department of Civil Engineering & Geomatics)
Undergraduate Level
- Programming Techniques for Engineers / Software II: (2012-2013), (2011-2012)
Democritus University of Thrace – Greece
(Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Undergraduate Level (TA)
- Automatic Control ΙΙ: (2010 – 2011), (2009 – 2010), (2008 – 2009), (2007 – 2008)
- Robotics: (2010 – 2011), (2009 – 2010), (2007 – 2008)
- Automatic Control ΙΙI: (2010 – 2011)
- Introduction to Computer Science: (2008 – 2009)
- Automatic Control Ι: (2006 – 2007)